一個喜歡 分享、學習、創作 的 動畫社群!

  • 上層分類: ROOT
  • 分類: 動畫分享
  • 作者 AnimApp


Pivot from Pivot on Vimeo.

Pivot is a short animation film produced for the KORT! 2009 project.
pivot是一部來自荷蘭的動畫短片! 2009年的製作.

Synopsis: When a man is witness to a murder and takes pictures of the killer, he has to run for his life. During the chase he is able to turn the tables and the prey becomes the hunter. All resulting in an unfortunate ending.
故事摘要:在街頭閒步攝影主角,意外地目擊了一樁兇殺命案,更意外地拍下了兇手的行兇照片,此刻,為了活命,他得開始逃命。 然而就在慌亂的追逐過程中,陰錯陽差地,反客為主,獵物竟成了獵人。這一連串的過程,似乎陷入了一場萬劫不復的輪迴,圍繞著未知的Pivot打轉...
The film is designed and animated by:
Kevin Megens
Floris Vos
Arno de Grijs
Andre Bergs
Music and sound design by Alex Debicki.
The script was written by Jan Eduards.
The film is produced by il Luster Productions.
Financed and commisioned by NPS KORT! Filmfonds, Mediafonds, CoBo
Pivot will have it’s premiere on the Nederlands Film Festival 0n 28 september 2009.

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