一個喜歡 分享、學習、創作 的 動畫社群!

  • 上層分類: ROOT
  • 分類: 動畫分享
  • 作者 AnimApp


Extract of Rubika ( Le laboratoire - Canal + )

幕後製作 - Ludovic Habas - MAXscript making Of Rubika

幕後製作 - HABAS Ludovic -Rigging Demoreel 2009

以下摘自 Vimeo 上的介紹:

I present you an extract from Rubika, my last short film co-directed with Claire Baudean, Mickael Krebs, Julien Legay, Chao Ma, Florent Rousseau, Ludovic Habas, Caroline Roux, Margaux Vaxelaire and with an original idea and a universe of Guilaume Plantevin. Music and Sound design make by Erik Wedin.

Rubika was fully completed in two months in Supinfocom Arles.

Modeling, rendering, secondary animation, scene building, management: Claire Baudean 

Technical Director, Setup/Rigging, Lighter/Renderer, Pixel System and Maxscript Developer : Ludovic Habas

Main Character Animator, Cameras Animator and Modeling : Mickael Krebs

Directing, Scenario, Modeling, Secondary animation, Animatic Sound, Animatic: Julien Legay

Main Character Animator, Cameras Animator and Story board : Chao Ma

Graphism, Character design and Scenario : Guillaume Plantevin

Directing, Scenario, Animatic, Scene Building, secondary animation and Modeling : Florent Rousseau

Modeling, Secondary animation and Scenario : Caroline Roux

Modeling, Render Management, Cars Rigging, Scene Building: Margaux Vaxelaire

Diffusion :

• Le 11 juin à 0h28 sur Canal+
• Le 12 juin à 13h15 sur Canal+ Family
• Le 13 juin à 7h01 et 15h55 sur Canal+ Family
• Le 15 juin à 19h41 sur Canal+ Cinema

Dvd box : "Le laboratoire d'images"
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