一個喜歡 分享、學習、創作 的 動畫社群!

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  • 分類: 動畫分享
  • 作者 AnimApp

【法國科幻動畫長片 - The Prodigies】

紐約,中央公園,五個天才少年正密謀一場完美的復仇計畫 … "

" NYC, Central Park, 2010. Five young teenagers are violently assaulted. But they’re not your average
teenagers… they’re prodigies. The trauma of the assault incites them to lash out against the world
in a cold and calculating way. The five chillingly brilliant minds come together to concoct a perfect
revenge. The only person aware of the pending doom is Jimbo Farrar, a sixth prodigy, who has gathered them. As long as he fights against his five counterparts with all his might, there’s hope for the world. But should he turn over to their side, it’s only a matter of time before a disaster of apocalyptic proportions ensues… "




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