上集在此Get Feedback 徵詢意見回饋After I am happy with my blocking, I usually take one or more of these steps before moving into a first pass.當我對自己的blocking成果感到滿意之後,我通常還會在真正過關前,再採取以下幾項步驟:
這篇來自於 11秒俱樂部部落格 的文章,講的是動畫表演的關鍵基礎 - 「Walk Cycle」 - 老實說,我還真沒聽過中文版的說法,「走路循環」?聽起來真像 Google 大神直翻的感覺!不過重點是~這篇文章裡推薦了一些很棒的教學~而且!不用繳學費!網路上就是有很多無私的神人,非常了不起!另外,下面這部影片來自「Spline Doctor Challenge」,一個由皮克斯動畫師組成的部落格所發起的挑戰競賽。看完之後,或許會覺得:「嗯~其實 Walk Cycle 也沒這麼無聊嘛~挺有
What is on my animation checklist?我的動畫檢查清單上有哪些項目?I have a series of things that I need to consider at each point during the shot. I don't always take all of these steps on every shot, but this will work as a nice master list to pull fr
原文:What Separates the Good Animator from the Bad Animator?翻譯:YaoOf course, we don't like to use the term "bad" in reference to animators, though we can all point to badly animated shots.當然,我們不喜歡用「差勁」這樣的詞彙來形容動畫師,但我們卻都能指出哪些是糟糕的動畫。